"jews for honest police santa monica"
Officer gets friendly with Laguna Beach's homeless
Watch the Video, same policeman as Laguna Beach!
the man in the Picture being acousted by officer "friendly" is MYSELF! (Black Hat.)
As part of a citywide effort to get people off the streets, the new community outreach cop is trying to build trust with transients and persuade them to get help. Photo gallery
April 24, 2008|By Susannah Rosenblatt | Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
"You just come in to Laguna Beach, brand new?" Police Officer Jason Farris asked the weathered man in the brown, floppy hat.
Lolling at the edge of the city bus depot -- bedroll, canteen and cane plunked by his side -- the man stiffened warily. But Farris was undeterred.
Less than 15 minutes later, Johnny, as the man calls himself, was chattering about life as a tattoo artist as he flashed the cop photos of his former wife.
"outreach cop is trying to build trust with transients! "You're so right Carson, there is a big difference A big, big difference between our waterboarding two prisoners 266 times, and the cutting off heads by those crazy, hooded nuts who actually believe there are virgins waiting for them up in space! We were way, way nicer. And how could we know our torture and invasions into the middle east might lead to the cutting off of heads? The whole thing just isn't our fault. Like little Bush and his drone, Chaney, said, it was supposed to be a quick in and out of Iraq, and then a steady flow of oil to the multi-nationals. And a quick freeing up of Afghanistan's farmers to grow opium poppies again for the CIA drug pipeline to our cities and prisons. So again, I say how about concentration camps and kinder, gentler gas chambers, like we've used with our pets for so many years. A couple of million gassings and the problem with the hooded crazy people goes away! Good thinking Carson!
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/20/world/20detain.html var areaAbb = "sfo";
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